Kallang Riverside Park

Amazing parks can be found anywhere. It can be on mountain tops, within a residential area, hillside, and more. However, there is one park place that just brings the leisure experience of visitors to another level. This is a riverside park, and one of the known today is the Kallang Riverside Park. Have you heard about this before? Well, if not yet, then this is the perfect time for you to do so.

Brief History

Stamford Raffles, the modern founder of Singapore, was theorized to land first on this park before the recorded landing site. Both are found on the Singapore River and hides rich history behind them. Back then, Raffles ordered his carpenter to post the flag on mainland Singapore. However, the carpenter wrongfully landed on Kallang, which gave its name as the Kallang Basin or Riverside Park.


Yes, Kallang Riverside Park is safe for kids. However, those who are five years old below are advised to be supervised by their respective parents. The staff and corporation can’t be held accountable if anything happened to these kids. Also, it is still the responsibility of parents to take care of their job as there’s no babysitting offer in this park.

Yes, river flow isn’t advised for kids. So, the water activities are not open for kids. The minimum age must be 18 years old and above. This is to avoid any accident such as drowning.

Yes, this park is worth the visit both by local and international visitors. It has a lot of amenities and offers that can make every hangout worth the time, effort, and expenses.