Labrador Park

Have you ever thought of visiting a park with your family and friends? Do you have an idea now on where to go? Well, you can try and visit Labrador Park. Have you heard anything about this before? If not, then this is the right time!

History of Labrador Park

If your taste in parks is about wildlife, natural habitats, and nature, then Labrador Park must be on top of your choices. This park is a must-visit not only because of its unique sceneries but also because of the ambiance it provides. To learn more, here is the necessary information about this park.


Yes, you read it right! Labrador Park is a well-known site as the WWII Fort. Aside from having rich nature and diversity, it also has an abundant history behind it. This park has participated during World War II as it served as a site for soldiers and warfare.


Next, this park is a wildlife inside. If you are fond of knowing more information or witnessing acts of nature, then this park is the best choice. Here, you can take a look at over 70 species of birds, numerous and gigantic trees, and 11 butterfly species. Thus, this park doesn’t serve only as a place for fun and leisure but also for nature preservation.

Rich Biodiversity

Another thing, this park has a rich biodiversity. This makes it a good habitat for animals such as squirrels, birds, butterflies, amphibians, and many more. Also, speaking of biodiversity, history has been covered by this. The historical points of interest and war sites as a WWII Fort are now covered with moss and nature. Despite that, this park both has a rich history for defending Keppel Harbour in 1878 and greenery.

Exercise Equipment

If you want your visit to be more productive and beneficial, then you shouldn’t forget the exercise equipment within this park. There are several kinds of equipment that you should try to achieve a fit physique. If not, then you can easily take a walk at the shore. This track can be part of your jogging routine, which is necessary.

Comchest Green

Next in line, you can visit and try the comchest green. This refers to an area at the park where you can unwind privately with your friends, family, and lover. Here, you’ll see the southern shores of Singapore, as well as enjoy the calming breeze from the sea.

Labrador Nature and Coastal Walk

A park experience won’t be complete if you’re not going to try walking on the nature and coastal roads. Here, you can release any negativity and replace it with good memories.


Yes, Labrador Park is a park associated with a reservoir to multiply its benefits to the people and community. It helps in nature and wildlife preservation while giving people wonderful sceneries and experiences.

No, the entrance fee in this park is cheap. With its price, you can still pay for other amenities inside, so better ask first for discounts.

Yes, definitely! This park raised the standards of our spectators to a higher level since it has the beauty and power to encourage people and visit their place.